
Activity #8a: Communities Long Ago

Last time we were looking at how communities have changed from 100 years ago. There are many ways that communities have changed over time.

Watch the video.


Activity #8b: Changes in Urban Communities & Transportation

Take out your Changes in Urban Communities Reading Passage from last time and let’s check your answers to the questions.

#1 What is an urban area? Answer: Cities with large populations.

#2 Why did people move to urban areas? Answer: To work.

#3 What is a skyscraper? Answer: Tall building.

#4 Why did buildings grow taller? Answer: More room for more people.

#5 What are 3 ways that people can travel in cities today? Answer: Subways, buses, cabs, ride-shares.

#6 Why can people work farther from their homes? Answer: Transportation is easier.

#7 What is your favorite way to travel in cities? Answer: You decide.

Take out your Changes in Transportation Reading Passage from last time and let’s check your answers to the questions.

#1 What does transportation mean? Answer: How people move from place to place.

#2 Why was a car considered a luxury item? Answer: They were expensive.

#3 Why do you think the assembly line made cars more popular? Answer: They cost less.

#4 How did roads change when cars became popular? Answer: They were paved.

#5 Before cars, why did people have to work close to home? Answer: They had to walk to work.

#6 What do you think it was like before traffic signals? Answer: Accidents, chaos, …


Activity #8c: Schools Long Ago

Buildings, roads, transportation, and the population are just some of the parts of communities that have changed over 100 years. Services like education have changed as well. Schools are very different nowadays. Let’s take a look at schools long ago.

Look at the picture and think about the questions.

Here are some supplies that students used for school long ago. How do you think they were used and what has replaced them now?


Activities for you to do:

#1 Reading & Questions: Schools 100 Years Ago.

#2 Predictions: Draw your classroom now and what your classroom may look like 100 years from now.