
Activity #7a: Communities

We have been looking at urban, suburban, and rural communities. This time let’s start by taking a drive through a community. But this community is a little bit different. It is a community built entirely of lego!

Watch the video.


Activity #7b: Suburban Communities

Last time we focused on suburban communities. Take out your Suburban Communities Reading Passage and let’s check your answers to the questions.

#1 What are suburban communities often called? Answer: Towns.

#2 What might the natural areas be used for? Answer: Parks, playgrounds, sports.

#3 What type of homes are found here? Answer: Houses, apartments.

#4 What are neighbours? Answer: People who live close by.

#5 What kinds of transportation are used here? Answer: Driving, walking, buses.

#6 How do you think that most kids get to school here? Answer: Walk, ride in a car, take the bus.

#7 Why would it be nice to have neighbors? Answer: Make friends, help each other out, and more.

#8 Why can people here have large pets? Answer: There is room in yards.

#9 What are some advantages to living here? Answer: There are many possible answers. You decide what you think is the best part.


Activity #7c: Communities & Transportation Long Ago

Communities grow and change over time. For example, a community may change from rural to suburban as an area is developed. The buildings in a community may change as more people move into a community and instead of houses there are apartment buildings. There are many ways that a community is always changing.

Let’s take a look at communities from 100 years ago. We will see some of the changes that have happened in communities between long ago and now.

Look at the pictures and think about the questions.

As you can see, urban communities and transportation have changed a lot from 100 years ago.


Activities for you to do:

#1 Reading & Questions: Read the passage about changes in urban communities and answer the questions.

#2 Reading & Questions: Read the passage about changes in transportation and answer the questions.


Activity #7d: Communities Story time

We will finish this week’s communities studies with a story about 2 mice called The City Mouse and the Country Mouse. One mouse lived in the city and the other mouse lived in the country.

Listen and read along.

The City Mouse and the Country Mouse read aloud