
Activity #6a: Communities

Last time we continued our look at 3 types of communities: rural (country), suburban (suburb), and urban (city). Let’s examine some more ways in which a community is diverse.

Watch the video.

Communities are diverse.


Activity #6b: Urban Communities

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We previously focused on urban communities. Take out your Urban Communities Reading Passage and let’s check your answers to the questions.

#1 What are urban communities often called? Answer: Cities.

#2 Why do you think that there is so little natural space? Answer: Buildings and roads take up space.

#3 Why can more people live here? Answer: Buildings are taller.

#4 Why do you think that buildings are often several stories high? Answer: So more people can occupy them.

#5 What kinds of pets would be best in urban areas? Answer: Small animals (small dogs, indoor cats, hamsters, guinea pigs, etc.).

#6 How do people travel in urban communities? Answer: Walk, bus, train, skytrain (subway).

#7 What could people do for fun in urban communities? Answer: Restaurants, movies, museums, sports arenas, theatre, etc.


Activity #6c: Suburban Communities

Now let’s take a closer look at suburban communities.

As you can see, suburban communities have some things in common with both urban and rural communities.


Activities for you to do:

#1 Reading & Questions: Read the passage about suburban communities and answer the questions.

#2 Draw a suburban community: Draw a picture of a street in a suburban community.