
Activity #5a: Communities

Last time we began looking at 3 types of communities: rural (country), suburban (suburb), and urban (city). Let’s take another look at some of the ways these communities are similar and are different.

Watch the video.

Different communities.


Activity #5b: Rural Communities

A Humane Future - The Humane Society of the United States

We previously focused on rural communities. Take out your Rural Communities Reading Passage and let’s check your answers to the questions.

#1 What are rural communities often called? Answer: The country.

#2 Why do people in rural communities usually drive to where they are going? Answer: Places are too far to walk.

#3 What kinds of roads can be in rural areas? Answer: Paved or gravel.

#4 What is farming? Answer: Growing crops.

#5 What is ranching? Answer: Raising animals.

#6 Why do you think ranchers need land? Answer: Animals need land for grazing.

#7 Why do you think farmers need land? Answer: Crops require land.

#8 What are some crops that farmers can grow? Answer: Corn, milo, soybeans, cotton. You may have thought of some other crops as well.

#9 What are some advantages to living in the country? Answer: There are many possible answers. You decide what you think is the best part.


Activity #5c: Urban Communities

Now let’s take a closer look at urban communities.

As you can see, urban communities are different from rural communities in many ways.


Activities for you to do:

#1 Reading & Questions: Read the passage about urban communities and answer the questions.

#2 Draw an urban community: Draw a picture of an urban community with buildings, restaurants, stores and more.