
Activity #4a: Communities

This time we are going to begin to look at communities. Let’s review what we already know about the 3 types of communities: rural (country), suburban (suburb), and urban (city).

Types of Communities

Watch the video.

Types of Communities


What is the definition of a community.

community is a group of people living or working together in the same area. People in communities might go to the same schools, shop in the same stores, and do the same things. They also help each other and solve problems together.

Let’s start with your family. They are a community because they may live together and do a lot of the same things. Then there are your friends. They share your ideas and probably go to the same school. Your neighborhood is a community. Your town or city is a community in your province. Your province is a community that is part of Canada. What is the biggest community? Probably the universe. We are all part of it.

What type of community do you live in.

As you can see, the word community refers to a lot of different situations like family community, school community, and neighborhood community. The 3 types of communities we are going to look at are urban (city), suburban (suburb), and rural (country).

Which of these 3 types of communities do you live in? Well, the location of the community where you live is Surrey. Surrey is a city located in the province of British Columbia. But parts of Surrey have many of the features of a suburban community and other parts of Surrey have the features of a rural community. So depending on your address, you may be living in a city community, a suburban community, or a rural community.


Activity #4b: Rural Communities

Let’s begin by looking closely at rural communities.


Activities for you to do:

#1 Reading & Questions: Read the passage about rural communities and answer the questions.

#2 Draw a rural community: Draw a picture of a farm in a rural community.


Canada Facts (page 2) Answers

Here are the answers to last week’s Canada Facts. How many did you know?