
Activity #10a: Communities

Last time we continued our look at Communities from long ago and some of the differences between 100 years ago and now. We examined technology, household goods, and grocery stores.

Take out your Grocery Stores 100 Years Ago Reading Passage from last time and let’s check your answers to the questions.

#1 What does drastically mean? Answer: A great deal.

#2 What jobs did the clerk have in old grocery stores? Answer: They would take the list from a customer, fill a bag with the items, and take the money.

#3 What does self-serve mean? Answer: People served themselves.

#4 When and where did the first modern grocery store open? Answer: In the U.S. it was in Chicago, 1916.

#5 Why do you think people buy more items in a self-serve store? Answer: They have more to choose from.

#6 Why do you think that items in stores have to look appealing? Answer: They make people want to buy them.


Activity 10b: Goods and Services

We have been looking at some of the goods and services available in communities through our studies of transportation, schools, technology, household items, and grocery stores from long ago and nowadays. Let’s now take a closer look at what goods and services are.

Goods are objects people want that they can touch or hold. Goods are items you buy, such as food, clothing, toys, furniture, and toothpaste. 

Services are actions that a person does for someone else. Services are actions such as haircuts, medical check-ups, mail delivery, car repair, and teaching.

Watch the video.


Activities for you to do.

#1 Goods or Services Reading and Questions: Read the passage then decide if the listed items are goods or services.

#2 Goods or Services Questions: Decide whether each of the listed items are goods or services.


Activity 10c: Rural, Urban, and Suburban Communities

We will finish with one last look at the different types of communities, rural, urban, and suburban. and think about what makes a good community.

Watch the video.


Activities for you to do.

#1 Rural Communities Review: Complete the sentences.

#2 Urban Communities Review: Complete the sentences.

#3 Suburban Communities Review: Complete the sentences.

#4 Rural Communities Positives and Negatives: Opinion writing.

#5 Urban Communities Positives and Negatives: Opinion writing.

#6 Suburban Communities Positives and Negatives: Opinion writing.