

Page 1: Roman Numerals, Card Games

Page 2: Geometry, Roman Numerals cont., Dice Games

Page 3: Polygons, Time

Page 4: Polygons cont., Time cont.

Page 5: Quadrilaterals, Time cont.

Page 6: Multiplication, Lines/Segments/Rays

Page 7: Multiplication cont., Angles, Time cont.

Page 8: 3D Shapes

Page 9: Fractions

Page 10: Word Problems

Page 11: Year Review


Activity #1a: Roman Numerals: Add to 12

First, let’s review what you have already learned about Roman Numerals. Here is a short video for you to watch and review with.

Roman Numerals

You are now going to try Addition with Roman Numerals. It is similar to the addition you already know, except we are using the Roman Numeral symbols.

You can download and view or print the “helping paper” in case you forget what number each symbol represents.

Let’s warm up. Don’t look at the answers until you’ve tried answering the questions!

V + V = ____ I + III = ____

IV + II = ____ VIII + I = ____

I + IX = ____ II + VI = ____

IX + II = ____ I + XI = ____

IV + IV = ____ VII + II = ____

Now here are the answers: X, IV, VI, IX, X, VIII, XI, XII, VIII, IX


Ready to practise some more? You can download and view the practice paper you see below, then print it or write your answers on a separate paper.


Next, it is time to challenge yourself more and solve some Roman Numeral Riddles!

Hope you enjoyed Activity #1a. And no, you don’t get to see the answers just yet!


Activity #1b: Math Card Games

Here are some card games you can play for fun and skill building!

There are card games listed for levels Kindergarten to Intermediate level. Try playing the games that challenge you the most.

This is one of my favorite simpler card games from the list:

Traditional War

Players: Two   Skill: Determining more or less  

Equipment: A standard deck of cards with face cards removed and Ace = 1.


■■ Shuffle the cards. Divide them into two piles, with the same number of cards in each pile. Place one pile, face down, in front of each player.

■■ Both players turn over a card.

■■ Players determine who has the greater card. The player with the greater card keeps both cards and places both cards in their bank, a separate pile off to the side.

■■ If the cards are the same, each player places the three cards from the top of their pile face down. At the same time each player flips over the fourth card in their pile. The player who plays the greater card keeps all of the  cards played that round.

■■ Play continues until all of the cards have been played or one player is out of cards.

■■ The player with the most cards in their bank wins.